Do you ever feel scared or worried about speaking English? Perhaps you get sweaty hands or your heart starts beating fast. Those are signs that you might be feeling anxious. People often feel anxious about speaking in front of classmates, speaking to native speakers, making mistakes and various other things.
Anxiety is very common, but if the worries stop you from speaking, then you might miss opportunities to practise your English. You also can't get much feedback on your speaking from the teacher or other people. Other people miss out on the chance to hear your ideas as well.
It takes time to overcome anxiety about speaking English, but it can be done! Here are some tips.
1. Set yourself a goal
Start small. Set a goal that is a bit challenging but achievable and not too scary. For example:
- Say 'How are you?' to a classmate or an English-speaking friend.
- Ask the teacher one question in your next class.
And here are some more challenging goals.
- Chat with somebody for a few minutes.
- Speak in front of an audience.
- Speak on the phone.
Remember, the goal is not to do these things perfectly, it's just to do them! Search for opportunities, and if you achieve your goal, that's great! Increase the difficulty of your goals over time.
2. Think positively
Tell yourself positive things: I can do it. I've got this. It will be OK! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced-level speaker, thinking negatively will limit what you do. Thinking positively will help you to do your best and improve.
3. Face your fears (gently)
If you feel anxious, you may want to avoid speaking. It might be easier to do something totally different, such as reading or grammar exercises. However, avoiding the issue can just make it grow bigger and scarier. Don't wait – start speaking little by little. It will be OK!
4. Look for a good partner
Try to find someone who you feel comfortable speaking with, perhaps somebody who is patient and kind and keen to speak English too. If you can practise speaking regularly, it should help to reduce anxious feelings.
5. Plan what to do in case of problems
We often worry about having problems like these and not knowing how to deal with them.
- What if I forget a word?
- What if my mind goes blank?
- What if I don't understand what the other person is saying?
By planning what you will do and say if these situations occur, you may feel less anxious. If you forget a word, for example, prepare some phrases such as I can't remember the word. What I mean is … and then try to describe the word. You could perhaps use synonyms (It's similar to …) or antonyms (It's the opposite of …). Or if somebody says something you don't understand, you can say Sorry, I didn't get that or Sorry, could you say that again? Write these phrases in your notebook and practise them.
Communication is never 100 per cent smooth, not even for native speakers. Overcoming such problems is a very normal part of speaking.
6. Accept problems and mistakes
Learning a language is not easy, and you will definitely have problems and make mistakes along the way. Everybody does! But making a mistake can teach you a lot and help you to improve your skills. Remember that good speakers are not people who speak perfectly all the time. Instead, good speakers can solve communication problems when they occur.
7. Note your progress
Over days and weeks, experiment with different ways to reduce and cope with anxiety, and keep notes of what works for you and what doesn't. Note down your speaking goals too and tick them as you achieve them, so that you can see your progress and build up positive experiences of speaking.
8. Reward yourself
If you try hard and make progress but your reward is just to do more practice, it might not be very motivating. So, reward yourself with something nice like eating a chocolate, buying a new notebook, taking time off to relax or whatever makes you feel good. Reward yourself when you achieve a goal, overcome a problem, learn something important or do something challenging.
that was greate essay. ı agree all of advice.My opinion self-confidence is one of the most important things.İf you try to feel more comportable when you speak english ı am sure that your communication will become fluent and correct. of course if you realize how you advanced you can celebrate your little triumphs.I hope we can go on although whole troubles.
Yes, I often feel anxious when I speak English. I forget some words because my mind goes blank. So, you are right, I must practice more for improve my English.
Nonetheless, I like reward my self with a chocolate.
About the 6th tip:
as English is a second language, having problems and making mistakes along the way can reduce motivation.
Even if "good speakers can solve communication problems when they occur", sometimes it is hard to explain what someone wants to mean.
Don't you think?
Hi User_1,
For sure! Anybody who has learned a language will agree that it is sometimes hard to express ideas, and that it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to make progress. Feeling anxious on top of all that is a lot to deal with!
Our anxiety may rise especially if we are aiming for perfection (i.e. to avoid all problems), or if we understand problems as signs of failure or deficiency. The point of this tip is to try to take a more positive and developmental view. Problems are a necessary part of learning, since they provide information to us about what we can focus on and improve. And since it is impossible to avoid problems completely, it is worth knowing and practising ways to repair communication when a problem occurs. Even though this may be easier said than done, as you pointed out, these are valuable communication skills in themselves!
LearnEnglish team
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your encouraging feedback.
Although it is hard to express ideas, I try to do it as much as I can.
About the 8th advice, i think having a good score at the assessment test considering a greater reward than rewarding my self by eat some kind things.
Dont you think that is right?
Hi ahmad.0,
Perhaps so! Getting a good test score can definitely be a rewarding experience. However, most people only take tests quite rarely (e.g. at the end of a course), whereas the idea of the 8th tip is to reward yourself for your day-to-day or week-to-week progress. Hopefully, this can change speaking practice from an anxious experience into a more positive one!
LearnEnglish team