Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.
Johnny: Hi
Harry: Hi
Harry: Could we get two cappuccinos please?
Tony: Ok...sit down and I’ll bring them over to you.
Harry: Cheers...
Johnny: So, listen, I had a word with the IT department about that job that I’d mentioned, and they’d like you to come in for a chat sometime...
Harry: A “chat”?
Johnny: Well, yeah, you know, not really a formal interview, just...well...like, a chat, so they can get to know you, and see what you’re like, and stuff...
Harry: But there’s no real job on offer...
Johnny: Well, no, perhaps not as yet, not exactly...
Harry: Hmmm, I’m not sure.
Johnny: Go on! What have you got to lose?
Harry: I guess you’re right...
Johnny: And it’s a good company to work for...lots of prospects...great bonuses! And you get to work with me!
Harry: OK, when can I come in?
Olivia: Hi
All: Hi!
Johnny: Tomorrow I guess...
Olivia: Tomorrow what? What are you two planning in secret?
Harry: Olivia, you are so nosey! You always have to know everything about everyone else....
Olivia: Just natural curiosity...
Johnny: Harry’s coming to work with me!
Olivia: That’s great!
Harry: Hang on, hang on...it’s not definite yet...
Olivia: I’m sure you’ll get the job! Well done!
Harry: Slow down, will you!
Olivia: That means you’ll be too busy to do my website for me...
Harry: I’m sure I can squeeze you in...
Olivia: I wouldn’t want to overwork you!
Harry: We’ll see, eh?
Olivia: OK, but don’t lose any sleep over it.
All: Hi Sarah!
Johnny: How’s the flat-hunting going?
Sarah: Oooooppphhhh....I’m exhausted. I’ve been going round the city all day, looking at flats.
Olivia: And no success?
Sarah: No success at all.
Harry: What’s the problem?
Sarah: They’re all too small, or too dark, or too far away, or too expensive, or there are weird flatmates...
Harry: You’ll have to compromise at some point....
Sarah: Yeah, I guess so, but I don’t want to live in a complete dump, and it seems that I can’t afford much more.
Fadi: Hello all!
All: Hi Fadi!
Harry: How’s it going mate?
Fadi: I’m fine here, but why are you lot all looking so glum?
Olivia: Sarah still can’t find a place to live.
Harry: Olivia’s fed up because I can’t do her website for her!
Johnny: Harry’s not enthusiastic about working with me!
Fadi: Great...Well, I’ll just have to try and solve all your problems, then, won’t I?
Hi seham fadL,
Here, I'd mentioned is short for I had mentioned. This is the past perfect tense, and it's used when we want to refer to a past event that happened before than another past event. In this situation, that job that I'd mentioned happened before I had a word with the IT department.
You can find out more on our past perfect grammar page.
Does that make sense?
Best wishes,
The LearnEnglish Team
Because Jhonny told about that job Harry in the past. Then he had a word about that. So talking about the job is the 1st action and having a word is the 2nd action. 1st action is past perfect and the second action is simple past.
Hope it's clear.