Do the Preparation task first. Then listen to the audio. Next go to each Task and do the activity. If you need help, you can read the Transcript at any time.
Before you listen
We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
Audio script
Tony: Oh no ... oh no ... I don’t believe it!
Harry (still outside): Let’s just nip into the café for breakfast ...
Bindyu: OK, sure.
Harry (entering): Hi there, Tony! What’s the problem?
Tony: Just have a look!
Harry: Ermm ... Everything looks normal to me!
Olivia: Hi, everyone! Just thought I’d nip in to get a coffee before work ... er ... What’s going on?
Bindyu: Tony’s upset about something.
Olivia: I can’t see anything unusual.
Harry: Me neither.
Tony: What?! Are you mad? Look – all these cups are broken!
Olivia: Oh, yeah. Now you mention it ...
Tony: And look at the mess here!
Harry: Some broken plates on the floor.
Tony: The dustbins!
Fadi: Hi, all! What’s going on? What’s wrong with the dustbins?
Tony: There’s rubbish everywhere!
Bindyu: Oh yeah ...
Magda/Sarah: Hi, all!
Sarah: What’s up?
Tony: There’s been a break-in!
Harry: A burglary?
Olivia: Thieves?
Magda/Sarah: Oh no!
Olivia: Has anything been stolen?
Magda: Quick! Check!
Tony: I never leave any money in the café overnight, so that’s not a danger.
Harry: Is there anything else? Anything valuable?
Tony: Well, there were those special pieces of fish.
All: Fish?
Tony: Yeah ... I had some really nice fish.
Carlos: Hey, everyone! What’s going on?
All: Blimey! What?!! What’s that?!
Harry: Who the ...?
Sarah: What the ...?
Fadi: How did ...?
All: A cat!!????
Olivia: There’s your burglar!
Tony: That explains the fish ...
Johnny: Hello all! Ooohhh ... Hello, puss! Is this the new café cat?
i laugh again thanks big City small word
now i can understand the transcript