Episode 02

Episode 02

In this episode, Carolina returns. What happened with her and Jamie? What is new in Emily's life? Plus, Adam and Rob talk about the recipes you shared after last week's show.


Rob and Adam

Adam: Hello!

Rob: Hello and thank you for all your fantastic comments & recipes. Comments from almost 50 different countries from Algeria to Vietnam and from Colombia to Kazakhstan. Great to see so many responses. Keep them coming – you can write to us at http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org or via Facebook – look for ‘Elementary Podcasts’.

Adam: We got some great recipes – from Spain, Greece, Kazakhstan, Armenia – we could set up an international restaurant! Both Felix and Eduardo from Spain sent us recipes for Spanish omelette – I might try that. Elmira in Kazakhstan told us how to make a traditional fish dish called ‘koktal’ – using carp. Now, British people don’t usually eat much carp, but I might try this one.

Rob: For dessert Idoia taught us how to cook rice and milk and if we want a drink then ninamagalhaess in Brazil told us how to make ‘caipirinhas’, but they’re an alcoholic drink so not for everyone.

Adam: Skybase noticed that Ravi made a mistake. Ravi said that fish and chip shops in Britain serve 250,000 meals a year, but the real number is 250 million meals a year. Well spotted, Skybase!

Rob: Now, if you’ve listened before you’ll remember Carolina. She’s from Venezuela and she’s a student at Newcastle University in the North-East of England. She lives with her best friend Emily and she’s part of the environment society with her boyfriend Jamie. Last time we heard from her, she was going back to Venezuela for the summer. Let’s meet her again.


Carolina: Hello? Is anyone here?

Emily: Carolina! Hi! Welcome back!

Carolina: Oh hello, Emily! Oh, it's so good to see you.

Emily: You too. How was your summer?

Carolina: Great. And yours?

Emily: Yeah, good.

Carolina: Let me take my suitcase to my room and you know, take my clothes…..

Emily: Unpack, you mean.

Carolina: That's the word …unpack. You know I think I've forgotten a lot of English in the summer. I've only spoken Spanish. No English at all.

Emily: Don't worry. You'll soon remember. But it's funny, you know – I think your accent is stronger, more Spanish, I mean Venezuelan.

Carolina: Oh, dear.

Emily: No, it's nice. I like your accent. You start unpacking and I'll make a cup of tea.

Carolina: English tea, aaah. Do you know, Emily, I think I've missed English tea? We drink more coffee at home in Venezuela. Just let me unpack my things and I'll see you in the kitchen….

Emily: Hello? Can I come in?

Carolina: Sure.

Emily: Here you are. A nice cup of English tea.

Carolina: Oh, thanks Emily. Mmm. Here, sit down on the bed. Let me move these T-shirts.

Emily: Wow, Carolina, look at all these clothes!

Carolina: I know. I bought quite a lot of things in Venezuela. My parents put some money in my bank account for this year and, I don't know, I went a bit crazy I think. I was so careful with money last year I…., oh I don't know. Anyway, look at these jeans. Cool, huh?

Emily: They're lovely. And I love that dress.

Carolina: Which one? This one?

Emily: Yeah. It's really sexy. You look great in red.

Carolina: Yes, I think I'll wear it the first time I go out with Jamie. He's coming back tomorrow.

Emily: Jamie. That's right. What happened between you two in the end? First of all he didn't phone to say goodbye before you left and you were like "Oooh he didn't phone, oooh it's all over". Then I got an email from you and everything was Jamie this and Jamie that and "Ooooh I'm so happy". What happened?

Carolina: I'm sure I wasn't that bad Emily.

Emily: Well, nearly. Come on, what happened?

Carolina: Well, yes, I was a bit upset when I got the taxi to the station, but then he phoned. Just as I was getting out of the taxi. And he said he was really sorry, but he'd got confused with the days, and he thought I was leaving the next week, so that's why he didn't phone.

Emily: Hmm.

Carolina: ‘Hmm’ what?

Emily: Just ‘hmm’. You know I like Jamie, Carolina, but it's a strange thing to forget – the day your girlfriend goes off to Venezuela for the summer.

Carolina: Anyway, that's what happened. And we've been emailing and texting all holiday and he says he can't wait to see me when he gets back. And "Ooooh I'm so happy".

Emily: Well, I'm glad he phoned and I'm glad you're still together.

Carolina: And what about you? Any news on your love life?

Emily: Love life? What love life?

Carolina: Oh, Emily!

Emily: Seriously, I haven't had a love life since last year, when I went on that study trip to France. Jacques. I really liked him, but then he didn't… well, I didn't…. I don't know. And that was the last 'man in my life'.

Carolina: You got that Valentine's card.

Emily: Anonymous.

Carolina: So? It shows someone likes you.

Emily: It was from my mother. She feels sorry for me.

Carolina: And you like the man who delivers the pizzas. The one with the long hair.

Emily: Hmm. He says "Here's your pizza" and I say "Thank you very much". A beautiful relationship. We have so much in common!

Carolina: OK. That's enough. Listen, what about dinner? Is there any food in the house? Shall we go out? We could order a pizza. You can answer the door.

Emily: Yeah, I'll wear your new red dress! Ah, it's good to have you back Carolina.

Rob and Adam

Adam: Nice to hear Carolina again. Now, here’s an interesting thing. Carolina & Emily hadn’t seen each other for a while, a whole summer, and they hugged each other and kissed. I find this interesting because people think the British are quite cold and reserved, so I’m interested in what people do when they meet people or see old friends again. What do you do, Rob?

Rob: When I see old friends again I usually hug them. What do you do when you meet people or see old friends again? Do you hug? Do you kiss? Shake hands? Bow? Write to us and let us know. Now, do you remember Carolina forgot a word? Listen to this.

Carolina: Let me take my suitcase to my room and you know, take my clothes…..

Emily: Unpack, you mean.

Carolina: That's the word …unpack.

Adam: When you put your things into a bag, you pack your bag, so when you take things out you unpack. The un- prefix shows an opposite. You do something and then maybe later you undo it. You might see the word ‘undo’ on your computer.

Rob: We also use un- with adjectives. For example, happy – unhappy, usual – unusual. Look out for exercises about this on LearnEnglish. That’s all we’ve got time for today – remember to write to us at http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/ Or on Facebook – look for Elementary Podcasts.

Adam: And you can look for Carolina who will be starting her blog again on http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/. Watch out to see what she writes there and you can write to her too. We’ll be back next time and Tess & Ravi will be here again. So, until then…

Both: Bye! 

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Task 1


Task 2



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Average: 4.5 (11 votes)

Submitted by iramnazt7abassum on Mon, 19/04/2021 - 16:29

Hi! It depends on the relationship or situation. In friendship shake hands is formal, hug, hand slap or kiss very common by man or woman. Otherwise we use it on a daily basis: good morning, good afternoon and good evening but it's a bit complicated. Greeting with Hello and Hi feels very relaxed. Thank you very much!

Submitted by 1_sarrooj on Sat, 03/04/2021 - 19:37

it depends on relationship, in KSA we shake hands even if we are just normal friends but with close friends we shake hands and kiss on cheeks, with best friends we start with shaking hands and end up with hug .

Submitted by May Thida Su on Mon, 15/02/2021 - 09:58

When I see my friends who are best friends or not best friends, I just say " Hello ". In my country, Myanmar, people are usually just say " Hello " like me but when we see a very old friend we might hug. But we never kiss each other because kissing is a very rude in my country. We usually kiss when we are in relationship you know lovers' relationship and between old people and childreen. Between normal people we never kiss each other. But you are a foreigner from a country kissed regularly, Myanmar citizens will realize when you kiss them. For finally, I forgive you my bad English. I'm not good at English yet.

Submitted by Sajja on Wed, 30/12/2020 - 06:20

In my country , we usually hug and kiss each other when we see friend or someone who don't meet him for a long time ,but in this time we must be careful and leave distance between us to protect ourselves from covid-19 and covid-20 - the new various - but with friends that we meet them everyday we just shake hands

Submitted by jmajo on Tue, 22/12/2020 - 14:15

Well, nowadays we must keep our distance but in normal times here in Uruguay we hug with friends, hug and kiss with good friends that we haven't seen for a while and just shake hands and say "Hi" to not so close friends.

Submitted by Shimah90 on Mon, 26/10/2020 - 17:44

for best friends by hug another friends just kiss
Profile picture for user cassiamattos2013

Submitted by cassiamattos2013 on Thu, 15/10/2020 - 18:54

Hello everyone. Here in Brazil is very common, when we met our friend, we shake hands and kisses each other. Well, but during this time, according to coronavirus pandemic, we can't do that, then we only shake hands each other. When the normal back, maybe, we can to kisses each other again. I hope it.

Submitted by Mazoon AL.Ghssani on Thu, 01/10/2020 - 11:38

Hello everyone, well! It depends on the relationship for example, when i see my grandparents usually i kiss them from there hands. However, if it is my friend or my sister ,I hag and kiss them. but if they are strange people we just shake hands.

Submitted by Mikkan81 on Thu, 17/09/2020 - 20:01

Close friends I hug otherwise I shake hands.

Submitted by Zamira on Wed, 16/09/2020 - 18:53

Hi there! When I say hello my friend, I often hug them, although it depends on friends. If friends is not close I just say "Hi".
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