Adam: Hello and welcome to Episode 12 of Series 4 of LearnEnglish Elementary Podcasts. My name is Adam and, as usual, my colleague Jo will be with me later to talk about some of the English that you're going to hear in this podcast.
Last time we heard Tess and Ravi talking (and in Ravi's case, singing!) about the Beatles and British music. Some of you were impressed with Ravi's singing. Abdullah Alshamrani from Saudi Arabia says 'Wooooow! Ravi has a great sound. I think he can join any music band in the world'. I'm not sure Tess and I agree with you, Abdullah, but maybe Ravi has a new career in music. Vocals on a garage track? A new member of One Direction? Hmmm, I wonder …
Apart from Ravi's musical talents, we got lots of comments about the podcast. Some of you love the Beatles, like Percival Moreira from Brazil, Yuta Noda from Japan and ChickenTeriyaki from China.
And I'm happy to hear that the podcast inspired Nada Ghannoum and Reza Saadati to want to listen to Beatles songs. Nada listened to 'Yesterday' and really liked it. Arumayp from Indonesia remembers a teacher using 'Yesterday' to teach English, and a lot of you say that listening to songs in English can really help you learn. That’s good, because a lot of you listen to music in English.
Dora, from Indonesia, says that listening to music before work puts her in a good mood for the day. But maybe Farkhanda Bashir from Pakistan isn't in a good mood; she asks why we haven't read her comments on the podcast. Well, we have now! But although we will never have time to read out all your comments, you can increase your chances by commenting soon after the podcast is released, by answering the question we ask and by saying something personal in your comment. Everyone likes music, but if you tell us an interesting story about why you like your favourite band, we're much more likely to put it in the podcast.
And finally, thank you to all the people who write nice things about the podcast. Nada Ghannoum from Syria says that she used to listen to English music a lot, but now she prefers our podcast. That’s a big compliment, Nada! And our old friend Asuma Girlish from Morocco says 'thank you very much' for the LearnEnglish Podcast app. If you want to try it, you can find it at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, or follow the link on the LearnEnglish website. But don’t forget to visit the website too for all the language exercises.
And now it's time to hear from Carolina again. Jamie and Carolina are having a day out together in a city called Durham, not far from Newcastle where they live. I wonder what’s happening today?
Carolina – At the river
Carolina: What a beautiful day. Is this the same river as in Newcastle? The Tyne?
Jamie: No. This is the Wear.
Carolina: The Wear. How do you spell it?
Jamie: W-E-A-R.
Carolina: W-E-A-R – like wear, the verb.
Jamie: I guess so, yeah. Spelt the same as wear but pronounced 'weer'.
Carolina: Like 'we are' – we're.
Jamie: Yep.
Carolina: I'll never get used to English pronunciation and spelling. It's impossible.
Jamie: Look. A boat-hire place. Let's hire a boat. What do you think?
Carolina: OK. But you'll have to drive it. I don't know how.
Jamie: Row. These boats don't have engines – you don't drive them. They're rowing boats. You row them.
Carolina: Row. How do you spell it?
Jamie: R-O-W.
Carolina: Like a row of seats – in the cinema.
Jamie: Yep.
Carolina: And how do you spell 'row'? – you know 'argument'. Like when you say 'I had a row with my boyfriend yesterday'.
Jamie: R-O-W.
Carolina: The same as row the boat.
Jamie: Yeah.
Carolina: See? Grrr.
Jamie: Come on. Let's go and have a row in a rowing boat.
Carolina: You're a very good rower, Jamie.
Jamie: Of course. I'm a man of many talents.
Carolina: This is beautiful. What's going to happen next year, Jamie?
Jamie: I don't know.
Carolina: I know you've got your final exams soon, and I know you're a bit stressed and I don't want to hassle you. But I'm worried. About when you finish your course, about what's going to happen. About us.
Jamie: I know. I'm worried too. I want to get a job in conservation, Carolina, something connected with the environment and I don't want to stay in Newcastle.
Carolina: I know. I understand. It's just …
Jamie: Anyway, here's some good news.
Carolina: Good news?
Jamie: About the band. We've got another gig. A real one, with another band – The Electrons. They saw our video on YouTube and they want us to support them when they come to Newcastle.
Carolina: Support them?
Jamie: Play first. Before they come on. We'll be the support band. It's a fantastic opportunity for us.
Carolina: That's great. I'm really pleased for you, Jamie.
Jamie: Come on, cheer up. What do ducks say in Spanish?
Carolina: Cuac cuac. And in English?
Jamie: Quack quack. And what does Cameron say?
Carolina: What do you call those things? The things you use to row.
Jamie: These? Oars. O-A-R-S.
Carolina: Oars. The same as 'or'. O-R. Do you want coffee or tea? It's the same pronunciation.
Jamie: Oh no.
Carolina: How are people supposed to know the difference if you say 'or' or 'oar'? English is impossible. You know I think it must be the most impossible language in the world.
Jo and Adam
Adam: Hi Jo.
Jo: Hi Adam. It's nice to be here again.
Adam: Poor Carolina. English spelling and pronunciation is very difficult sometimes.
Jo: That's true. There are words that look the same but are pronounced differently, like 'row' and 'row' …
Adam: And words that look different but are pronounced the same, like 'here' – in this place, H-E-R-E – and 'hear' – what you do to a noise, H-E-A-R.
Jo: Yes, that's true. And the grammar can be difficult too. My students think that English verbs are easy but they hate prepositions – words like 'for', 'to' or 'of'.
Adam: What about all of you? What's difficult for you in English? Do you agree with Carolina that English spelling and pronunciation 'is impossible!'?
Jo: And what's easy for you? Do you agree with my students – that verbs are easy but prepositions are horrible?
Adam: Write and tell us what you think. The address is www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish. Now let's look at some of the language from the podcast.
Jo: Let's look at some questions that are useful if you're learning English. Listen to Carolina. What does she ask Jamie?
Carolina: Is this the same river as in Newcastle? The Tyne?
Jamie: No. This is the Wear.
Carolina: The Wear. How do you spell it?
Jo: She asks 'How do you spell it?' My students often ask 'How do you write it?' – but 'spell' is better. What's the name of this website, Adam?
Adam: LearnEnglish.
Jo: How do you spell it?
Adam: L-E-A-R-N-E-N-G-L-I-S-H.
Jo: Thank you! Now listen to another useful question.
Carolina: What do you call those things? The things you use to row. Jo: 'What do you call those things?' Adam, let me test your vocabulary – um – what do you call the place where you go to play golf?
Adam: A golf club.
Jo: How do you spell 'club'?
Adam: C-L-U-B. Jo: And what do you call the thing you use to hit a golf ball?
Adam: A club. A golf club.
Jo: And how do you spell 'club'?
Adam: C-L-U-B.
Jo: Ha ha! It's the same for both things. They're both called clubs. Same pronunciation, same spelling but different meanings.
Adam: Good one! Carolina would like that example. There are exercises to help you with English spelling and pronunciation on the website.
Jo: And more useful questions for learning English too.
Adam: And you can look at Series 3, Episode 14 for exercises about words that sound the same, like 'here' and 'hear'. So … I think that's all for today. See you next time.
Adam/Jo: Bye!
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To me it is difficult to use prepositions and how can l remember the word when l speak.
And the difficult thing, The compound words; l don't know "together or separate" like seafood or sea food.
Hello Aljumhy2020,
Prepositions are indeed difficult in English since there are so many irregular uses. I would recommend that you focus on the regular ones and most common ones. That way you can use the correct forms in more situations than if you studied uncommon exceptions.
In general, the key to vocabulary is exposure or contact. Most people need to see or hear a word -- preferably in context -- many times (I usually tell my students 6-8 times, but it depends) and over the course of time. In other words, after you study one day, wait a couple of days and then study again. Then wait another few days, and study again. Keep this up until you can remember the words easily. It also helps to try to use them in your speaking and writing. Even if you don't speak or write in English much, you can think in English!
As for compound words, I would focus more on learning them than on their spelling, which is quite irregular. If you're writing with a computer, I'd recommend using a spell checker for these words -- save your memory for more important things for now!
All of this is general advice that I might change if I knew more about you and your needs, but I hope it helps you.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello amit_ck,
'with' can mean 'because of' or 'as a result of', which appears to be the idea here. I find the sentence a little odd because I'd be inclined to say 'With many parents working full-time, families have little time together', since what makes more sense to me is that the parents' working full-time is the cause of the little family time. But perhaps that's just me.
In this use, 'with' is normally followed by a noun phrase, but if its objects is a verb, the verb goes in the '-ing' form since 'with' is a preposition.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team