Episode 20

Episode 20

It's the end of Series 4! Carolina tells Emily she’s going to miss her while she studies in France. But will she be missing Jamie too? What’s Jamie going to do? Jo and Adam look at different ways of speaking about the future. It’s goodbye until the next series!



Hello and welcome to the last episode – number 20 – of Series 4 of LearnEnglish Elementary Podcasts. I'm Adam and my colleague Jo will be joining us later to talk about some of the language from the podcast.

Last episode, we heard from Tess and Ravi for the last time this series. They've talked about lots of things that people think are 'typically British', like red London buses or loving animals or the BBC. So Jo and I asked you to tell us which episodes were your favourites – and what you would like Tess and Ravi to talk about in another series.

And I'm happy to say you said you liked all of the topics and found them all interesting and useful.

Kochaina from Poland, m.memories from Egypt and Ayat Hasan from Bangladesh all said that they learned a lot about Britain from the podcasts and thought all of the topics were interesting. Lolachannel from Saudi Arabia liked a lot of the topics too. NewAgeEnglish from China likes the way Tess and Ravi express their own opinions about the topics even though their opinions might be different from other British people.

But the most popular topics from this series were definitely Shakespeare, the Beatles and our old friend Sherlock Holmes. AlanGuillen is from Mexico and his favourite topic was Shakespeare because he loves the theatre. Aaron Matthew T. from the Philippines liked Episode 11 about pop music. He says ‘I like the Beatles very much but that was the first time I knew that they were British!’ Manasset from Cameroon and Reza.Sadaati from Iran both voted for the Sherlock Holmes episode. Reza started to watch an old series of Sherlock Holmes after the episode and loves the actor – Jeremy Brett – who played Sherlock Holmes. He’s the favourite of a lot of Holmes fans, Reza. And Massanet thought it was funny that people still write letters to Sherlock Holmes at his address in London.

And you suggested some interesting topics for the next series. Elena68 from Italy suggested English traditions, celebrities and things you can see if you visit the UK. Good ideas. Reza would like to know why the UK is called 'the UK' and whether England, Scotland and Wales are independent or not. More good ideas!

Mehran.aminpoor from Iran would like Tess and Ravi to talk about a topic from Series 1 and 2 of the podcast – which person alive or dead would you like to meet? And Muhamad Ali from Syria says he liked the 'magazine format' of Series 1 and 2, with different sections and different people.

It's very interesting for us to get your opinions and ideas for the next series so please keep sending in your comments.

And now it's time to hear the last episode in the story of Carolina and her friends, Emily and Jamie. Will everything be decided? Will it be a happy ending? Let's listen and see.

Carolina – Saying goodbye to Emily

Emily: Carolina! Have you seen my green trousers?

Carolina: You washed them yesterday. I'll get them.

Emily: Suitcase is too small. It isn't going to close. Too much stuff!

Carolina: Here you are. You've got too much stuff in that suitcase, Emily. It's too small. It isn't going to close.

Emily: I know! Come here and sit on the top. Ooof. No, that isn't any good. Wait. If you push here … That's right … oh no! It's broken!

Carolina: Let me see. Yes, it's broken.

Emily: Oh great. So I'm going to France without any clothes.

Carolina: We'll have to go and buy another one.

Emily: I can't. My train's at six.

Carolina: So take mine.

Emily: I can't take your suitcase. What are you going to use when you go?

Carolina: I'm staying here until Friday. I can buy another one.

Emily: Thanks.

Carolina: There you are. All packed and ready. Are you looking forward to it, Emily?

Emily: Yeah, I really am. A year away in a different country, studying in French, eating French food, walking around Paris … And don't forget you're going to visit. You promised.

Carolina: Oh yes. I'll be there. Oh Emily! I'm going to be so lonely without you.

Emily: You'll be fine. I'm only going to France, Carolina. It isn't the other side of the world.

Carolina: Not like Borneo, you mean.

Emily: No, I didn't mean … Oh, I'm sorry. Any news from Jamie? About the Big Decision? 'To go or not to go; that is the question'?

Carolina: No. He can't decide. One day he's going to Borneo, and buying books about orang-utans, the next day he's staying here with his band and going on tour, and they're going to be superstars.

Emily: Well, he has to decide soon. You're going home on Friday.

Carolina: I know. I'm going to Venezuela for a month and I want to know what's happening before I go. I told Jamie that.

Emily: Well, let me know what happens. Text me. Cheer up. Things will be OK … That's my taxi. Now come on, give me a hug. I have to go.

Carolina: I'll miss you.

Emily: Me too. Come on. Don't cry, Carolina. Please don't cry. I'll text you when I get to Paris, OK?

Carolina: OK.

Emily: Bye. Speak to you soon.

Carolina: Bye. Have a good journey … Oh Emily … Hello Jamie. I'm OK, but I'm really sad. Emily's just gone. What? You've got something to tell me? Well what? Are you going to Borneo or staying here? What have you decided to do, Jamie?

Jo and Adam

Adam: Here's Jo again...

Jo: For the last time!

Adam: Well, the last time this series anyway.

Jo: And we still don't know what Jamie decided!

Adam: Orang-utans or the band.

Jo: I think he'll go to Borneo.

Adam: I think he'll stay in Britain.

Jo: Shall we have a bet?

Adam: OK. Let's shake hands on it.

Jo: Borneo and the orang-utans.

Adam: Britain and the band. Now we just have to wait and see ... I hope you all enjoyed listening to the story of Carolina and Jamie – and Emily of course. There were some difficult moments, but I always wanted to know what happens next.

Jo: Why don't you write and tell us what you enjoyed most in the story.

Adam: Did you have a favourite episode? Write and tell us what you liked and why. The address is www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish. And now it's time to look at the language that you heard in the podcast.

Jo: And in this episode Emily and Carolina were talking a lot about the future. The future is difficult in English. We use lots of different verb forms, not just 'will'. Listen to them talking. How many future verb forms do you hear?

Carolina: Let me see. Yes, it's broken.

Emily: Oh great. So I'm going to France without any clothes.

Carolina: We'll have to go and buy another one.

Emily: I can't. My train's at six.

Carolina: So take mine.

Emily: I can't take your suitcase. What are you going to use when you go?

Carolina: I'm staying here until Friday. I can buy another one.

Jo: How many Adam?

Adam: OK ... 'I'm going to France without any clothes', 'We'll have to go and buy another one', 'What are you going to use when you go?', 'I'm staying here until Friday' …

Jo: And don't forget 'My train's at six' – that's talking about the future too. The verb is present – 'is' – but the meaning is future. There are a lot of different ways of talking about the future.

Adam: 'I'm having lunch with John tomorrow.'

Jo: 'I'm going to study all weekend.'

Adam: 'I'll meet you at the cinema at nine o'clock.'

Jo: 'The exam starts at half past nine tomorrow morning.'

Adam: Phew! So which form to use? You can study all the rules in a grammar book.

Jo: But you probably won't remember all those rules when you're speaking! So listen to as much English as you can, and see which verb forms are used for the future – and in what situations. And then slowly, slowly, you'll start to use the right forms yourself.

Adam: Listen again to the podcast. There are a lot more examples in Emily and Carolina's conversation.

Jo: And there are some exercises on the website to help you get started with recognising and using future forms.

Adam: And that's it for today. And I'm sad to say, that's the end of Series 4. I'd like to thank Jo for all her help.

Jo: Not at all. I've enjoyed every minute.

Adam: And thanks to you, our listeners, for your great comments. Good luck with your studies.

Adam/Jo: Bye!


Language level

Average: 4.6 (8 votes)

Submitted by ritesh46 on Fri, 09/02/2018 - 16:16

Hi sir, please go on series five. i wait series five from more time then one year.what happen with podcast.why it take long time.i want to get one podcast every month not more then one at particular time. what happen with Carolina and his friend. please prepare series five just like series one. i hope i get positive answer.

Hi ritesh46.

It's nice to hear you are enjoying the podcast! It takes some time to produce a new series and while I can't give you a date yet I believe that Series 5 is planned.


Best wishes,


The LearnEnglish Team

Profile picture for user Milicica

Submitted by Milicica on Tue, 23/01/2018 - 14:32

There is some kind a joy of life and traveling. They do everything in hurry. I just have start and this is my first episode so I don't know what is in the others episodes.
Profile picture for user geramifar

Submitted by geramifar on Mon, 08/01/2018 - 08:20

Hello Mr. Peter! Thank's a lot for providing this podcast for English learners. I want to start listening to the podcasts. is it better to start from the first series? or I can start for example from the 4th series.....what do you recommend?

Hello geramifar,

You can start from any point as each podcast works perfectly well as a stand-along text. Because of some changes that were made during the production of each series, I would say that the third and fourth series are slightly easier than the first and second, but you can listen to samples from each and make you own mind up about that.

Best wishes,


The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Ferdiana on Wed, 03/01/2018 - 12:12

Hello! so, where is the newest podcast? I just received a notification about it at my podcast app in my phone. But there is no any of them. i'm sad now if you wanna know:( is my grammar right? Please educate me:(
Profile picture for user Peter M.

Submitted by Peter M. on Thu, 04/01/2018 - 07:56

In reply to by Ferdiana


Hello Ferdiana,

Could you please post your question on our apps page? We have a separate team to deal with apps-related questions there.


Thanks and best wishes,


The LearnEnglish Team

Hello Mr. Peter! Thank you very much for your answer. Don't worry! I can find it now. Your Love, Ferdiana A learner
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