Episode 05 - Speaking or eating?

Sammy and Julia go out for dinner in a restaurant. Why can't they enjoy their meal together?


Sammy: Shall we sit here?
Man: Yeah ... Yeah ... So I say to him, I say 'What?' And he says '50,000'. And then I say, 'When?' And he says, 'Tomorrow'. And I say, 'What?!'
Julia: That man on his mobile!
Sammy: Yeah! And in a restaurant! I mean, it's a bit rude. ... ‘And I'm like, "What!" and he's like, "What?" and I say, "50,000"' ... Oh. Sorry. I'll just get that. Hello?
Caller: Hello, is that Mr North, the vet?
Sammy: Speaking. How can I help?
Caller: I'm ringing about our meeting tomorrow at nine. Yes, I'm afraid I ... I'm afraid we will be a little late. Is 9.15 OK?
Sammy: That's not a problem. OK, see you then.
Caller: Goodbye. ... Rufus, come on!
Sammy: Sorry, Julia.
Julia: Hello, Sammy! Do you remember me?
Sammy: Sorry.
Julia: Oh! Sorry. I'll just get that. ... Hi, Jack! ... How nice to hear from you! ... Tomorrow ... seven o'clock. Great. See you then.
Sammy: Who was that?
Julia: Jack.
Sammy: Oh. He's very handsome.
Julia: He's OK. Jack is my cousin.
Sammy: Oh! I see! Julia, so, shall we get something to eat?
Julia: Andrea? Andrea? Who is Andrea?
Sammy: My friend.
Julia: Oh, she's your friend! Is she pretty?
Sammy: No, I mean, yes. Well, no. Andrea is my friend. But Andrea is a man, not a woman.
Julia: Sammy, my sister's called Andrea. And my sister's a woman, not a man.
Sammy: Andrea's Italian. And in Italian, Andrea is a man's name.
Julia: Really? Well, let's see. ... And is Andrea pretty or not?
Sammy: Julia, give my phone back, please.
Julia: 'Call Andrea'.
Andrea: Hello, Sammy, how are you?
Sammy: Erm, hi, Andrea. I just wanted to ask ... are you pretty?
Andrea: What?!
Julia: Hi, Andrea. This is Julia. I'm sorry, Sammy's busy now. Bye!
Sammy: I have an idea. Let's switch off our phones and enjoy the meal.
Julia: Good idea.

Task 1: Check your understanding 1


Task 2: Check your understanding 2


Task 3: On the telephone 1


Task 4: On the telephone 2


Task 5: On the telephone 3



Average: 5 (7 votes)
Profile picture for user Rkassem

Submitted by Rkassem on Sun, 17/03/2019 - 10:49

I switch off it in the important meetings
Profile picture for user Rafaela1

Submitted by Rafaela1 on Wed, 06/03/2019 - 14:27

In our culture, speaking while eating is impolite. (。•̀ω-)Г☎

Submitted by Lanigo on Mon, 25/02/2019 - 09:33

I try not to answer a mobile call when I talk to someone.

Submitted by student_w on Sun, 24/02/2019 - 17:33

when i am with other people, at lunch, dinner, in cafetteria or other place, i can hardly take off the telephone. i switch off the sound but any time watch if there are notifications or calls. i am victim by telephone distraction (-:

Submitted by BiNgo08 on Mon, 18/02/2019 - 15:53

i often switch my phone to silent when i chat with anybody.
Profile picture for user Karl Marx

Submitted by Karl Marx on Fri, 01/02/2019 - 13:43

I don't usually use my phone when i meet other people, but sometimes I have to answer the phone if someone calls me.

Submitted by Ionela Lusty on Thu, 31/01/2019 - 20:30

I'll put on silence or other time I let my phone in the purse
Profile picture for user dariusclinton

Submitted by dariusclinton on Tue, 08/01/2019 - 07:39

I'll just swicth it off and switch on after the diner.
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