Look at these examples to see how we can tell someone what another person asked.
direct speech: 'Do you work from home?' he said.
indirect speech: He asked me if I worked from home.
direct speech: 'Who did you see?' she asked.
indirect speech: She asked me who I'd seen.
direct speech: 'Could you write that down for me?' she asked.
indirect speech: She asked me to write it down.
Try this exercise to test your grammar.
- Grammar test 1
Read the explanation to learn more.
Grammar explanation
A reported question is when we tell someone what another person asked. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech.
direct speech: 'Do you like working in sales?' he asked.
indirect speech: He asked me if I liked working in sales.
In indirect speech, we change the question structure (e.g. Do you like) to a statement structure (e.g. I like).
We also often make changes to the tenses and other words in the same way as for reported statements (e.g. have done → had done, today → that day). You can learn about these changes on the Reported speech 1 – statements page.
Yes/no questions
In yes/no questions, we use if or whether to report the question. If is more common.
'Are you going to the Helsinki conference?''Have you finished the project yet?'
- He asked me if I was going to the Helsinki conference.
- She asked us whether we'd finished the project yet.
Questions with a question word
In what, where, why, who, when or how questions, we use the question word to report the question.
'What time does the train leave?''Where did he go?'
- He asked me what time the train left.
- She asked where he went.
Reporting verbs
The most common reporting verb for questions is ask, but we can also use verbs like enquire, want to know or wonder.
'Did you bring your passports?''When could you get this done by?'
- She wanted to know if they'd brought their passports.
- He wondered when we could get it done by.
Offers, requests and suggestions
If the question is making an offer, request or suggestion, we can use a specific verb pattern instead, for example offer + infinitive, ask + infinitive or suggest + ing.
'Would you like me to help you?''Can you hold this for me, please?'
- He offered to help me.
'Why don't we check with Joel?'
- She asked me to hold it.
- She suggested checking with Joel.
Do this exercise to test your grammar again.
- Grammar test 2
Why does "Where did he go?" become "She asked where he WENT"?
I'd thought in something like "She asked where he had gone"
Hello Sam°Vi,
It can be 'where he went' or 'where he had gone'. We often just use a past simple, especially in more informal contexts or when the time relationship is clear. In this case, with no context, the time relationship isn't clear, but in many cases it would be.
Some grammars present the past perfect as the main option, but the truth is that people often use the past simple as well. But if you're taking an exam or doing homework for English class, the past perfect is probably the best option in most cases.
Let us know if you have any further questions about this.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Please can I know the reported speech form of "what was tge last book you read?" ,,,it is nessesary please 🥺
Hello Yazanabdo,
It depends on who asked, but it would be something like 'They asked me what the last book I read was'.
All the best,
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello, everyone.
I would like to ask a question that is in my exercise book.
"Is it right time to leave?"
I transform this question into reported speech as below:
"Martin asked us if it was the right time to left." My question is that it is 'leave' or 'left' at the end of the sentence? I am confused about the answer. I think it is 'left' but the correct answer is shown as 'leave' in the book. Thanks for your kind answer. Take care.
Hi knownman,
It should be 'leave'. It's an infinitive phrase ('to leave'), so this doesn't change for tense.
Best wishes :)
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello everyone,
I was thinking the other day and came across this sentence and I'd appreciate if someone would help me with this.
Direct Questions: "Does she often go to the cinema?"
Now what would be the reported question if we asked this question from a woman?
I asked her if she often went to the cinema.
But the "her" and the "she" does not refer to the same person. Wouldn't that cause some confusion?
Hi TheRealDoctor,
Yes, it may be confusing. It would be better to use the names (if you know them) of one or both people, or some other description to make clear which person you are referring to. For example:
- I asked her if Maria often went to the cinema.
- I asked Kate if Maria often went to the cinema.
- I asked her if her sister often went to the cinema.
I hope that helps :)
The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Natasa Tanasa,
The second sentence is fine. The first sentence needs an article before 'next':
The LearnEnglish Team