Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Teacher: So, now you've got the important information, it's time to meet each other. Everyone turn to the people next to you and introduce yourselves.
Cara: So, hi. I'm Cara. And you are?
Robert: Robert.
Selim: Selim.
Cara: Nice to meet you!
Robert and Selim: You too.
Robert: Nice accent. Where are you from?
Cara: I'm from Glasgow.
Robert: Oh, really? My mum's from near Glasgow, so I'm half Scottish.
Cara: Cool. Do you live in Scotland?
Robert: No, we live in England, near Manchester. My dad's from there. What about you, Selim?
Selim: I'm from Leeds originally but I grew up near London.
Cara: Are you both doing history on its own?
Selim: No. I'm doing history and German.
Robert: I'm doing it with maths, actually.
Selim: History and maths. That's different!
Robert: Yeah, I couldn't decide between arts and sciences. Maths doesn't help with remembering dates, though! And you?
Cara: I'm doing history and French.
Selim: I wanted to do French but German was easier, so I took that.
Cara: German is so hard!
I like to study math science and English too/
I like to study sport science and English .Because this two subject very similar .I was a sport player then I had a injury ,finished my sport carrier.I found perfect subject. I have passion this subjects.Sometimes I spend much time for sport science but doesn't matter I LOVE SPORT
What subject I like is English because studying English takes me to access a lot of information than using only Japanese. For example, I searched Japanese swords on google, and the number of search results with "日本刀" is 295,000,000; on the other hand, "Japanese Sword" found 361,000,000. Even though the things made in Japan, the search result in English is more than in the Japanese language.
I like to study english ,french and science.
To discover the culture of the world.
Hello everyone!
My favorite subject is English and math.
I like to study human behaviors and philosophy.
i like to study english and sometimes learn how to painting.
i like to study english , french and maths
I like to study english and i find that the exercises are medium.
I'm studying English and French. I did my master degree in German as a foreign language.