Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Hi, everyone. I know you're all busy so I'll keep this briefing quick. I have some important information about a change in the management team. As you already know, our head of department, James Watson, is leaving his position at the end of this week. His replacement is starting at the end of the next month. In the meantime, we'll continue with our projects as usual.
I have two more quick points. Firstly, there will be some improvements made to the staff car park next month for a few weeks. It will be closed during that time.
Don't worry, we've found a solution. We can use the local church car park until our own one is ready. If you arrive before 8.30 a.m., please use our small car park on Brown Street, and if you arrive after that, you should go directly to the church car park. It's only a five-minute walk away. But they need it in the evenings, so you have to leave before 6 p.m. Sorry about that – I know how much you all love working late!
The other thing I wanted to tell you about is that the canteen has now introduced a cashless payment system. So, you can't use cash for payments any more. You can pay directly with your smartphone or you can pay using your company ID card. The total amount put on your company ID card comes off your salary at the end of each month.
OK. That's it? Are there any questions?
Who do you have to give information or instruction to? What is this information about?
When I red this topic, I remembered that I worked in a big company. We often get the information on our internal website. This is very good because we have the opportunity to plan our schedule and we are sure that us are reported about all important news. My colleagues adore eating in the canteen and we get a message when the canteen is closed.
As a parent, I enjoy giving information and instructions to my kids about their studies and other things
Who do you have to give information and instructions to? What about?
Everyday me and my best frind go out walking together and talking about different things like what happened today in our jobs and new events around and interesting news if any.. so i have to give instructions to him everytime before meeting about where we should meet and where we will go and what the major thing we will talk about to look if it worthy or not to go out and meet for.
What meetings do you have to go to? How do you arrange them
Everyday ı have a meeting with my friend Tuba at 7 o clock. We read together and sometimes discuss about a topic But usually we study . We open the camera and off the microphone and we study. I love doing this. When I cant study or focus on I call her and send her a meeeting invite and we do. But sometimes ı cant get up like today. Actually ı get up early much then ı study myself a bit but then ı feel the sleep and went to bed again So we didnt meet today but we'll meet at 9 p.m. Everyday we couldunt meeting in the morning we postpone it to a later time
Is it easy to get lost in your town? Have you ever given directions to a visitor?
No it isnt easy. Becuse I live in small town not big. So it is diffucult to lost . But once I lost here thats funny raly. I was in the bus and I notice the driver uses roads different so ı go out in the bus and I lost. Then I called my dad to bring me home . And yes ı gived instractions for visitor many time
Who do you have to give information and instructions to? What about?
I was having to give instrucactions to my students when I was teaching. And I have to give insturactions to my nephews but they dont listen to me
Who do you have to give information and instructions to? What about?
I was had to give insturactions to may students when
I have to give information and instructions to my children about their life, religion, and education to be successful in their life.
Thanks for the lesson!