Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Student 1: Sorry. Sorry, excuse me. I'm just … just coming to sit over here. Phew. Hey. How's it going? So, what have I missed?
Student 2: Nothing. He just started around five minutes ago.
Student 1: Did he say anything about the mid-term?
Student 2: What?
Student 1: About the mid-term tests. Did he say anything about when he was going to hand them back?
Student 2: He's almost finished marking them, he said. We get them next Tuesday.
Student 1: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. When do we get them?
Student 2: Tuesday. Next Tuesday.
Student 1: OK. Got it. Sorry. What page are we meant to be on?
Student 2: Page 34.
Student 1: Page … 34. Oh, wait. I don't have my textbook. Can I … share with you? Wow. This is hard stuff.
Student 2: Mmm.
Student 1: What does SEO mean?
Student 2: What?
Student 1: SEO. This is all about SEO but he hasn't said what it means.
Student 2: Search engine optimisation. How to appear on internet searches.
Student 1: Internet searches. Right. Right. OK.
Student 2: He said what it meant.
Student 1: What?
Student 2: He explained it before you got here.
Student 1: Oh. Right. OK.
Student 2: Can you be quiet? I'm trying to listen to the lecture.
Student 1: So am I. Sorry. Sorry, one more question. What does this have to do with the American Revolution?
Student 2: What?
Student 1: I don't get it. Why is he talking about search engines in a course on the American Revolution?
Student 2: What are you talking about? This is a class on software engineering.
Student 1: You mean, it's not Early American History?
Student 2: You're in the wrong class.
Student 1: Oh, wow. Now it all makes sense. I'm so sorry.
Student 2: It's fine.
Student 1: Here, I'll just … excuse me. I'm in the wrong class. Excuse me. Thanks. Sorry.
I'm trying to do my best.
I usually ask my teacher to explain it again,or make the teachers in the youtube explain it to me.
Hello, my name is Afis Afridho. I am 18 years old and I come from Indonesia. I study at Tanjungpura University.
When I don't understand something in class, I usually take notes on the material and search for it on Google or other websites. If I still don't understand, I ask for help from my friends who have a better understanding of the material.
If I don't understand something in class, I usually just ask the teacher or a friend to explain it. If I’m too shy, I’ll write it down and look it up later. Sometimes, I just wait until the teacher goes over it again or until I can get extra help after class.
When you don't understand something in class, what do you do?
When I don’t understand something in class, I usually ask the teacher to explain it again or sometimes, I ask my classmates for help because they can explain in a simple way and I also like to check my notes and search online to find more information.
Hello I´m Cristofer this activity is very interesting because This helps us practice in my experience I need more practice because I understand a very little
When you don't understand something in class, what do you do?
Usually, I apologise to my educator, and then ask about the missed points so I am able to link the subjects and understand all the lecture. But I generally didn't prefer to be late to any class. Trying my best to be on time, prepare my staff, lecture as printed, my pens and read the material before the class starts.
hello, my name is Angel from Indonesia and I am education English student
When you don't understand something in class, what do you do?
Hello, I'm from Indonesia, a student majoring in English education
Coming late to class is a very embarrassing thing and what is even more embarrassing is being late to the wrong class. I suggest never be late for class if you are in Indonesia you will experience this... once in my class someone was 30 minutes late for class and the lecturer firmly said "why don't you come tomorrow"
Yes, I have experience with this, but it happened to my friend. When he was late, the lecturer told him to stand for about 10 minutes and then sent him home. It must have been very embarrassing because all the attention was on him. When the lecturer sent him home, I immediately thought, "Jeez, I can't be late to her class.'"