At the chemist

At the chemist

Listen to a conversation at a chemist's to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Chemist: Hello, can I help?

Customer: Yes, my wife sent me here. I, erm, need something for a sore throat … and I can't stop coughing. It really hurts.

Chemist: Do you have a headache too?

Customer: Not really, no.

Chemist: Well, we have this syrup. And these lozenges.

Customer: Which is better? 

Chemist: They're both good. The syrup is more expensive.

Customer: Oh, well … I'll take the lozenges, then. How many do I take?

Chemist: Just one.

Customer: Sorry, I'm sorry. Er, how often should I take it?

Chemist: Just one every four to six hours. Take it before mealtimes. Are you allergic to any medicine?

Customer: No.

Chemist: Then you'll be fine with this.

Customer: Can I get some antibiotics too?

Chemist: I'm afraid you need a prescription for that.

Customer: Ah.

Chemist: You know, you should really see a doctor if that cough continues.

Customer: Thanks. I know.

Chemist: Anything else?

Customer: No, thanks.

Chemist: That'll be £7.49 then, please.

Task 1

Task 2


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Profile picture for user bero414

Submitted by bero414 on Mon, 16/09/2024 - 10:15


I get a cold or a cough when the winter comes in, so I take a  lozenges (Panadol ,ibuprofen) and drink a lemon with honey and ginger.

Submitted by Glittery on Wed, 21/08/2024 - 14:35


I don't even remember the last time I had cold, but when I do, my mother always helps by giving me some medicine, She's experienced with that and knows what works best

Submitted by Olena999 on Tue, 25/06/2024 - 09:46


Not so often. Perhaps once per winter time or autumn. I take lozenges, some powders for cold, tea with honey for my sore throat and bed confinement.  

Submitted by Toan3002 on Fri, 17/05/2024 - 09:35


Occasionally, I get a cough or cold for several days. I will buy cough syrup in a drug store or use herb syrup to reduce cough effectively. Using Panadol or medicine containing paracetamol to treat headaches. You should take a rest and sleep to recover your body. If that cough continues, you need to see a doctor to get a description of treatment.

Profile picture for user Ahmeddeda77

Submitted by Ahmeddeda77 on Thu, 07/03/2024 - 08:25


Yes, I do. Sometime I use the medicines like a herbal syrup and Panadol for a headache. The honey is good for soothing your throat, a lemon juice for supply your immunity and a warm ginger drink is good.

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Submitted by on Thu, 01/02/2024 - 19:46


It depends, last winter I got them contemporarily three times, last autumn and till now only once. I recommend for a cough to take some syrup as a medicine, while drinking a cup of milk with honey before going to bed because it gives you a soothing effect for your throat during the night. For a cold instead, to prepare a hot camomilla infusion or with eucalyptus oil to breath in. It will help you to breath much better in few days.

Submitted by Himiys2018_ on Mon, 04/12/2023 - 07:07


I don't get cold or caugh for long time, beacuse i concentrate to support my immune system by eating good and healthy food , and recommend people to drink orange and lemon juice , eating food with hight vitamin c and nutritions.

Submitted by Raho on Sun, 05/11/2023 - 07:41


i get cough 2weeks often i recommend people drink hot things like tea and boil some water in sefira and cover them selves inside

Submitted by Mr.Kenan on Sat, 21/10/2023 - 21:17


I have never got a cold and a cough for 3 years. I am really trying to be carefully when I be with other people. In winter, I use a mask and take some supplements so I protect myself from all diseases.

Submitted by Safe_Mode on Sat, 14/10/2023 - 19:30


I not often have a cough or a cold I don't even remember when was the last I had this. Everything I can to recommend - just stay in bed and take a rest for day or two. It should help