An introduction to a lecture

An introduction to a lecture

Listen to the introduction of a psychology lecture to practise and improve your listening skills.

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Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the first lecture of our new course in Positive Psychology. While some people may associate psychology with looking at what's wrong with us, and at what problems we have, there is much more to psychology than that. Positive psychology, for example, looks at how to help people become happier.

This lecture begins with a question: what makes a happy life?

Now, I'm going to give you one possible answer. A happy life is a life in which you are completely absorbed in what you do. Now, how does this compare with what you and your partner said? 

This answer comes from the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and the theory of flow. Csikszentmihalyi is a psychologist who has spent much of his professional life on the study of what makes people happy and how we can find happiness.

Csikszentmihalyi suggests the theory that happiness is not caused by external events or things that happen to us. Our perception of these things and how we see these events either makes us happy or sad. In other words, if we want happiness, we have to actively look for it. However, this does not mean that we should always look for happiness! Csikszentmihalyi believed that our happiest moments happen when we are in a state of flow.

The theory of flow can be summarised like this: when we are totally involved in, or focused on, what we are doing, we are in a state of flow.

Csikszentmihalyi got the inspiration for this theory when he noticed how artists worked in a studio. They completely lost track of time, they didn't notice they were hungry or tired, and they could work for hours, even days, without stopping. Anyone I have spoken to who has experienced this state of concentration has said it's difficult to explain. The best way to explain it is that it is like being in a river and the flow of the water carries you away.

For the rest of this lecture, I will explore this theory of flow in more detail. First we will look at Csikszentmihalyi's life, and how it influenced his ideas. Then we will look at the conditions that go with a state of flow. What creates flow, exactly? Finally, we will look at activities that can help us achieve flow in our everyday lives. Will this course make you happy for life? Well, maybe. Maybe. 

Right, let's get started. If you look at the next slide …


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Profile picture for user David.Osorio

Submitted by David.Osorio on Thu, 23/01/2025 - 15:48


Have you ever been in a 'state of flow' while doing an activity?

Yes, I do, I really like when I practice TaekWonDo, it is my favourite sport, it is a martial art to, and for me it is a way to build character, calmness, spirituality and respect for the enviroment and the people around you. So when I practice, I can concentrate on that, when I get involved on this, I foget about hunger, thirst, worries, sadness, anger, etc. When I practice It's a moment when I feel really happy.    

Submitted by noorshi on Thu, 21/11/2024 - 16:01


Yes, i have been in ''state of flow'' while reading, cooking, and listening to my favorite podcasts.

Submitted by Yautibug on Fri, 15/11/2024 - 19:12


I am very interested in how a psychologist is interested in finding an answer to life and what happiness is. When they look for something, the answer can convince you and help several people.

Profile picture for user joycemonroy

Submitted by joycemonroy on Thu, 14/11/2024 - 18:05


Have you ever been in a 'state of flow' while doing an activity?

Yes, I have experienced a state of flow while working on a challenging university assignment. Time seemed to fly by as I was deeply engrossed in researching and writing my paper. It was an incredibly productive and satisfying experience.

Submitted by Itsvague on Mon, 04/11/2024 - 19:50


Have you ever been in a 'state of flow' while doing an activity?


I have mainly two regular situations in which I'm in " a state of flow". Firstly, in the daily rides, I like to meditate on seeing the planet moving around me, starting from the cars, and walking people to the signal lights. Secondly, while I'm cooking I go deep in the flow in a picture of talking with myself and explaining the recipe to someone else! I love being focused, concentrating and forgetting everything else, I feel happy to do what I'm doing completely with my soul. 

Submitted by Ali0034 on Sat, 02/11/2024 - 20:24


Yes . I have been in a state of flow when I developing project , studying lesson and learning new things . I haven't hear of this theory until now . According to my observation this theory is correct . İf it is neceserry to recommmend ı can say that you don't stay idle . You try to be state of flow .

Submitted by Lina89 on Tue, 15/10/2024 - 12:16


“When I was working as an architect, the work took many hours, and I did not notice it.

Profile picture for user zino

Submitted by zino on Sun, 22/09/2024 - 14:56

  • Yes, I have often experienced a 'state of flow' while doing activities like reading a book, writing another, or writing in English, as I am in this paragraph.

Submitted by Paukzen on Thu, 19/09/2024 - 08:27


Yes, only once in my life. I was running and I was really absorbed and suddenly I lost the sense of time and could feel all my muscles and breath. I ran for over an hour and it felt like a minute had passed. It was beautiful. Then I tried to recreate this moment of flow, but it didn't happen again

Submitted by Louise.2005 on Tue, 10/09/2024 - 18:01


Of course, I have been! So many times, by the way. I'm a very passionate person who really finds hapiness in every simple thing. Even when I'm preparing my boiling coffee, I'm treasuring the moment! Changing little moments of life into thriling ones helps to have a cheery day. I love cinema for example. When I'm watching a movie or just listening to an interview with some of my favourites directors or actors, I'm completely absorbed about what they are saying. I'm just into it and I'm quit forgeting my problems. Moreover, when I'm playing the piano or reading or doing pilate or painting, I know that it's empowering me so I take care about doing it constantly. You don't need to have many hobbies, you just need to feel stronger when you've found one. Being in a "state of flow" isn't only spending a good moment and being thrilled about that. You're embracing yourself, who you really are and carving out your own personality. 

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