Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Selina: Patrick? Is that you?
Patrick: Selina! Hello!
Selina: Well, well. Patrick Eastwood. How have you been?
Patrick: Good. Great, actually. How are you? I haven't seen you for ... how long?
Selina: It's been ages. At least fifteen years. Wow.
Patrick: Yeah. Wow.
Patrick and Selina: So, what are you doing here?
Selina: Sorry, you go first.
Patrick: OK. What are you doing here? I thought you'd moved to London.
Selina: I was in London for a couple of years. But it didn't work out.
Patrick: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ... OK?
Selina: I'm fine! The dream job wasn't really a dream, you know? Um ... and London is great but it's so expensive. I mean, just the rent on a flat is ... uh … crazy expensive.
Patrick: I see.
Selina: So, I came back. I've been back now for almost five months. Living back home with Mum and Dad. Which is err ... interesting. Um ... but anyway, what about you?
Patrick: Me? Oh, nothing new. You know me – 'Patrick the predictable'. I never left here.
Selina: Oh. And is that ...?
Patrick: Oh, I'm very happy. I'm married now. We've just celebrated our tenth anniversary.
Selina: No way! You? Married? To …?
Patrick: I don't think you know her. Her name's Marigold. And we've got two kids. They're five and eight years old.
Selina: Married and with two kids? Wow!
Patrick: Don't look so surprised!
Selina: No, no … I'm just amazed how time flies! I'm happy for you. I really am.
Patrick: Thanks. You should really come round to the house one day.
Selina: That would be great. Let's swap numbers and ...
Hi Isabelle,
I'm afraid the audio files are only accessible on our pages, and are not available for download.
The LearnEnglish Team
A 'dream job' is a job that we imagine to be perfect. Selina is saying that she got her dream job, but then discovered that it wasn't really a dream job. In other words, she didn't really like it, even though she thought that she would.
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The LearnEnglish Team
Hello Nurraihah
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