Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Junko: Hello, Junko Mori speaking. How can I help you?
Andrea: Hi, Junko, it's Andrea here from Red Band. I'm calling about our latest order.
Junko: Everything arrived OK, right? We got the delivery confirmation at our end.
Andrea: Yes, everything's fine with the order. I'm calling about the invoice and the payment terms. I need a favour.
Junko: A favour? What do you need?
Andrea: This is a little, er ... difficult, but I need an extension on the payment terms. I know they're usually 30 days, but we're having some cash flow problems. You'd really be helping us out if you could extend it to 60 days.
Junko: I'm not sure if I can do that, Andrea. We've got regulations at our end, and also have to manage our own cash flow.
Andrea: I promise this won't become the norm, Junko. Actually, I also want to place another new order. The same size order as last time. It's for an important customer and they pay on delivery.
Junko: I see. So your cash flow problem will be solved after this new order is delivered.
Andrea: Exactly.
Junko: That sounds good. Hold on, Andrea. Let me see what I can do. Yes, I think we can make an exception this time.
Andrea: That's great, Junko. I appreciate your help.
Junko: And we appreciate your business, Andrea. It works both ways.
Andrea: Thanks again, Junko. Can you send me a quick email confirmation of the payment terms extension?
Junko: Sure, no problem. We're happy to help you.
Andrea: Great. And I'll email you the new order.
Junko: Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it. Talk to you soon.
Andrea: You too. Goodbye.
When i worked on sells i usually deal with a few clients like this, but in my case the rules are very strict so i have to say that the order doesn't arrive on time until they make the payment.
Yes, I do. Because I work in an accountancy service company and our clients usually delay their payment. In the economic conditions, we need to keep loyal clients.
I like it!
Good lesson
No, I don't need to do that. Actually I'm a buyer. I often negotiate the amount and payment terms with supplier. Of course I will also concern about delivery status. Furthermore, our company only accepts the payment term Net60 of each purchase order, so I need to ask our supplier to make exceptions for us.
no, i don't because i don't work as a supplier before
no, i don't
Yes, of course, it's my pleasure if I can do a favor.
Sometimes I do, but I do this exception one time because If let it happens often I will scrood up my business