A design presentation

A design presentation

Listen to the presentation about a new product design to practise and improve your listening skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.



Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to this short presentation on our new product design. As you know, we've already redeveloped our 'Adventure' shampoo to make it more modern and appealing. And we've renamed it 'Adventure Tech'. Our market research established the target market as men in the 18–40 age range who like to be outdoors and also like technical gadgets, such as smartwatches, drones and things like that. We needed to create a bottle which appeals to that market.

So, today, I'm happy to unveil our new bottle design. As you can see, it's designed to look like a black metal drinking flask, with some digital features printed on it.

I'd like to talk you through the following three points: the key features, sizing and our timeline for production.

Firstly, you'll notice it has an ergonomic design. That means it fits smoothly into your hand and can be easily opened and squeezed using one hand. And, it looks like a flask you might use when hiking outdoors. The imitation digital displays are designed to remind the user of other tech devices they may have, such as a smartwatch or smart displays in their home.

I'd now like to tell you about the sizes. It comes in two sizes: the regular size and a small travel size. The travel size is the same type of design – a flask, also with imitation digital displays on the bottle. We were thinking of starting with one and following with the travel-size in a few months, but we've worked hard and both are ready now.

Finally, I'm going to talk to you about our timeline for production. You've probably heard that we're launching in two months. In preparation for that, we're starting the marketing campaign next month. You can see the complete overview of all phases in this Gantt chart.

In summary, the bottle's been designed for men who like adventure and technology, and it comes in two sizes. The marketing campaign is starting next month and we're launching the product in two months.

OK. So, any questions? Feel free to also email me for further information in case we run out of time.


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Submitted by taghi on Sun, 08/12/2019 - 07:16

i remember i gave a presentation in one of the top universities last year in Iran, i mean Sharif University where the students were so intelligent,open minded and knowledgeable,and it was hard to be in such a situation because they expected speaker to be updated in what he is saying .the presentation was about negotiation and communication skills,and i did well.first i said:"every body stand up,and i will give you 30 seconds to communicate with people who are on your left or right side in a way that you think they are not an important people." after first 30 seconds finished i said:"i will give you another 30 seconds to communicate with them again but instead in this turn you should treat them like they are the most significant person in this hall.how you will behave with him or her?the hall after i said this,start to ignite .crowd was full of enthusiasm to speak with people as if they were their lost friends who they had not seen him for a long time.

Submitted by groverivan on Tue, 03/12/2019 - 01:03

Hi everyone, the last presentation was two months ago, in my English class we were finishing the level and I had to expose about the important to learn another language and the benefic to have a bilingual brain.

Hello mo hussein,

You neeed to say 'talk to':

I'm going to talk to you


In the transcript, the speaker uses the phrase 'talk you through', which has a different meaning. Talking someone through something means explaining a process or procedure to someone:

Installing the new operating system is not too difficult. I'll talk you through it.



The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by spiritbet on Sat, 12/10/2019 - 18:09

it was a good speech and lesson btw , thankyou for helping information for my page http://----------------------------------

Hello spiritbet,

We're happy to help!

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The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by nikisyazwani on Mon, 30/09/2019 - 06:02

I have completed lesson for A Design Presentation . The level I chose was Upper Intermediate B2.
Profile picture for user Magedelabd

Submitted by Magedelabd on Mon, 16/09/2019 - 18:01

The last time I gave a presentation was last week during our CEO visit to us . I talked about the target achievement , workshop through put and technician performance .

Submitted by starfish2019 on Thu, 22/08/2019 - 15:21

When was the last time you had to give a presentation? What was it about? How did it go? It was in last year and our sales team needed to give the weekly sales progress report and business development info to our country manager. Each team member needed to talk about their roles and responbilities for the last week assignments. For example, I was in charge to check the whole team's overall activities and tasks completion, as a manager duties. Other team members needed to report about their customers phone calling, incoming and outgoing phone calls to handle the potential sales or general inquiries. Other member needed to report about the customer complains or requests and payment information for our shipments. Anyway, our weekly sales meeting normally last about 45mins to 1 hour. Afterward, we had the Questions and Answers time with our Country Manager to work on new assingments for the next week.

Submitted by Hoang Tien on Wed, 14/08/2019 - 23:47

Thank you this Listiening lession. It is very helpful strengthening my knowledge