Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Presenter: The sound of kids hanging out together. Or, at least, how it sounded a few years ago. Nowadays a group of, well, just about anyone – kids, teens, tweens, their parents – might sound a lot more like this …
Most of us spend hours a day with our heads bent over our smartphones. Research suggests teenagers spend as many as nine hours a day, while pre-teens spend up to six.
Teen voice: I don't know, it's, like, the first thing I do in the morning, check in and see who's posted anything overnight. It's my alarm clock so I kind of have to look at it and then, you know, it's pretty hard not to scroll through.
Presenter: And it's not just teenagers and millennials, Generation X and even the Baby Boomers are almost as bad.
Adult voice: I'm online most of the day for work and you'd think I'd be sick of screens by the time I get home, but most of my news comes through Facebook and I'm really into food so I'll hold my hands up to being one of those people who posts photos of their meals.
Presenter: But are we addicted to our phones and apps? And does it matter? Former Google and Facebook employees certainly think so. So they've set up a non-profit organisation, the Center for Humane Technology, to reverse the digital attention crisis and promote safe technology for children.
Expert: Anyone who's seen queues round the block for the latest iPhone has to wonder what these people are thinking. You've literally got people sleeping in the street to get the newest device, probably not even talking to anyone else in the queue because they're on social media, taking selfies in the queue to post to Instagram. If that's not addiction, it's certainly obsession.
Presenter: A more formal definition of addiction describes it as a repeated involvement with an activity, despite the harm it causes. Someone with an addiction has cravings – that feeling that you haven't checked your phone for two minutes and can't relax until you get your hands on it again. They may have a lack of self-control and not realise their behaviour is causing problems – like texting while cycling or falling off a cliff taking a selfie. And, in case you're wondering, I read about both of those via the news app on my phone, which updates every couple of minutes with the latest stories … definitely addicted. So the 'Truth about Tech' campaign by Common Sense Media and the Center for Humane Technology couldn't come fast enough for most of us. But it's children who are probably most at risk because of the effect tech addiction might be having on their brain development. Professor Mary Michaels of the Atlanta Future Tech Institute has been working with very young children. Mary, thanks for dropping by. What is your research telling us?
Mary: Well, we know that screen time is affecting key aspects of healthy child development, like sleep, healthy eating and what psychologists call 'serve and return' moments, which are when parents respond to babies seeking assurance and connection by making eye contact, smiling or talking. All perfectly normal things we do and which help lay the foundations of babies' brains. It's much harder to engage with a baby normally if you're looking at your phone. Or, even worse, if parents give a crying child a phone to distract them instead of talking to them or hugging them, and that might lead to them failing to develop their ability to regulate their own emotions.
Presenter: And what about older children?
Mary: Again, we know that teenagers who spend a lot of time on social media are 56 per cent more likely to report being unhappy and 27 per cent more likely to suffer depression. Teenagers are especially vulnerable because they're more sensitive to highs and lows anyway, so we're looking at, potentially, higher instances of suicide, schizophrenia, anxiety and addiction in teens which is exacerbated by dependence on technology.
Presenter: It sounds like a vicious circle. They're more likely to get addicted to smartphones and social media and that addiction itself makes them candidates for other addictions.
Mary: Yes, that's right.
Presenter: Time to stage an intervention! Is there anything we can do to make tech less addictive?
Mary: Setting devices to greyscale, which is basically black and white, might make them less appealing. Scrolling through a newsfeed of boring, washed-out photos just doesn't create the same rush as bright colours perhaps. And you can turn off the notifications that are constantly pulling you back in to check your phone.
Presenter: So is it ...
I trink im bit addicted to social media and smartphones because we use it often in the school or for our train ticket and in my free time i often play with friends online games on my smartphone or computer
I think I am addicted to my phone but I don’t really care because it’s make me happy even if it’s supposed to be bad for my health, that the way I wanna live.
But being addicted doesn’t handicap you to live a good life fully at work or with your friends.
I'm not sure if it could be called an addiction, but I definitely spend more hours than I would like on social media. For some activities it is just a change of media, for example now I read the news or some interesting articles about politics, history or even science on the smartphone instead of newspapers, magazines or books. But the tricky problem is that once you're inside it's hard to put it down and avoid scrolling through superficial and unimportant posts and videos, wasting precious time of your day.
Well,in the past I used to be addicted so match on social media specially playing Pubge .despite now I am trying to avoiding or cut-back any think related to internet and concentrate on my major and study.
I was but now I have managed it and try to check it only a few minutes a day.
I am avoiding becoming an addicted person social media or smartphone. For this, I have pre-fixed hours at day to immerse in my smartphone or to write at my computer with outstanding subjects.
I have found that if I dedicate limited hours in the morning to the writing activities on my laptop, my brain is more fit, more productive and I am less tired.
Not really, I’m not a fun of social media and social networks, I prefer face to face social interaction but I use some social networks to get and keep in touch with people living far from me, I’m not addicted to my smartphone either, I turned off most of the unimportant notifications and I use the ringtone in a lower volume. In fact if I loose my phone tomorrow it won’t change my world at all, I see it as a tool and not more than that, although I can denied it’s very useful to every day work I think we should be
able to put it apart at weekends or at least a couple of hours a day.
Thanks for the episode.
Great site!
Definitely, I am one of those big percentages of people who are addicted to my phone and social media. And day-by-day I observe that I lack communication or get tired of people too quickly because during the day time I have been scrolling on social media and so to say "meeting people enough". That is why I try to limit using phone by downloading apps such as Forest and etc. to keep myself focused.
Unfortunately, I'm one of those addicted to social media. From the time, I wake up to the time I go to sleep, I always check my social media platform for any updates, notifications, and so on. I know that this addiction is not a healthy way to improve oneself but trying to get out there seems so impossible. They say this most of the time, "Out of sight, out of mind." However, despite your smartphone hidden somewhere else, the more you can't concentrate as you keep on thinking what's going on your social media and what is the latest.
Fortunately, I'm not using social media app and get no notification from any app. But I'm using phone for study.as I'm from one hour I'm on British council website.