Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.
What can I take on the plane as hand luggage?
Please note that passengers can only take ONE suitcase onto the plane. It must be no bigger than 55cm x 22cm x 35cm and weigh no more than 10kg.
You can also take one small laptop bag or handbag that can fit under the seat in front of you. If you have two bags, their total weight cannot be more than 10kg. If your bag is too big or too heavy, you will not be allowed to take it onto the plane. Staff will put it in the hold for you and you will have to pay extra.
Please make sure mobile phones and other devices are fully charged so that security staff can check them.
Liquids in bottles bigger than 100ml are allowed on board if you buy them in the airport shops after you've passed security.
We hope you enjoy your flight!
I would like to fly only one luggage because of travelling is very good.
Actually, I would like to say that I am not a huge fan of to travel by hand luggage because there are several reasons for it. Firstly. If i have a lots of stuff and just like things i forced to dislodge them. Secondly, whether I travel far countries from my land for example, Europe or the USA it is not suitable for my rest of trip due to I frequently scatter my things.
I like to fly only with one bag, because it's cheapest, fast and comfortable variant for me.
Awesome, Really it raised my mind 100% and obtain many concept about hand luggage.
I have never travelled by plane but even though I have to fly, I should take one or two luggage.
It depend from our traveling. If I will travel for a long time I prefer 2 luggage, if a short time travel I prefer only hand luggage
Actually, I hate flying without handbag because it is good for me to travel
I need more than one piece of luggage to travel comfortably. However, I can only take one if necessary. Sometimes it's a good thing.
varies from country to country