An end of term report

An end of term report

Read an end of term report to practise and improve your reading skills.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and do the exercises.

Reading text

Southwestern University

Candidate's surname: Martella
Candidate's first name: Javier
Student number: 15604088-B
Academic year: 2019–2020
Course: English Basics 2
Term: 3 (final)

Mark breakdown

Skills/Area Maximum mark Pass mark Mark obtained Pass/Fail
Reading 20 10 15 P
Listening 20 10 8 F
Writing 20 10 14 P
Speaking 20 10 17 P
Grammar/Vocabulary 20 10 11 P
TOTAL     65 P


Well done, Javier, on all your hard work this term. You are always active in speaking activities, and this is great. I always enjoy reading your writing too; you have very good ideas. You can see from your marks that reading is not a problem for you.

Sometimes you still make small grammar mistakes, and I think you can improve your vocabulary. I recommend you review many of the language points we studied this term. There is extra language practice in your online workbook.

The area you need to work on the most is listening. I know this is difficult for you. I recommend more practice at home. Listen to English TV shows, podcasts and radio as much as possible. I can give you a list of things to listen to.

I've enjoyed working with you. Have a nice holiday, and good luck for next term!

Instructor's name: Erin Gibbs

Signed: Erin Gibbs


Worksheet67.31 KB

Language level

Average: 4.3 (54 votes)

Submitted by LamVanPhuong on Fri, 15/10/2021 - 13:28


i think i need to improve all four skills because my report it is very bad

Submitted by Levine on Mon, 11/10/2021 - 12:53


My latest report is pretty bad. I think i need to improve reading and writing skills first,

Profile picture for user PuenteD

Submitted by PuenteD on Thu, 05/08/2021 - 01:38

I need to practice all skills. I'm practice every day...

Submitted by KATIELLE RAIAN… on Wed, 14/07/2021 - 16:24

I need better listening and speaking skills.

Submitted by Veronikka on Sun, 30/05/2021 - 19:34

My last report was good in reading and writing, but I must improve my listening and speaking.

Submitted by Suraj paliwal on Fri, 07/05/2021 - 12:00

My last report was about exam result. I'm too weak in statistics and Economics of Agriculture. I'm doing hard work to get happen to simple things. I'm weak in speaking and writing. When I start taking to anyone I forget myself and present situation. I'm also doing hard work for it. I think if anyone do a lot practice then you can master in anything areas. I'm doing so. I'm in home isolation and in this time I doing practice about my weaknesses.

Submitted by Venequin on Mon, 05/04/2021 - 17:54

I need ti be Best at speaking, when I start to Talk My brain get blank and I can barely Say: "mmmm I think for me"

Submitted by MikhailZatopliaev on Wed, 31/03/2021 - 00:09

O my last report was CFA is hardest report of my live. It is very big. I need to improve macroeconomic area, and now I learning this area more carefully, so interesting when you start understand many things.

Submitted by TIa vinaka on Thu, 18/03/2021 - 04:43

I need to improve writing and speaking. I think reading too but still a little better that those two. I have never satisfied with all of my English skill. I'll carry out studying English till I get PR.
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