Agreeing and disagreeing

In this video, Emir and Paul discuss a design for a client. Listen to the language they use for agreeing and disagreeing and practise saying the useful phrases.

Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and do the exercises to check your understanding and practise the language.


Ana: Hi! I'm Ana. Welcome to What to Say!

Do you know what to say when you agree and disagree? Listen out for useful language for agreeing and disagreeing. Then, we'll practise saying the new phrases – after this.


Paul: So?

Emir: I'm not convinced by that idea.

Paul: Why?

Emir: Well, this design is just too simple. 

Paul: It's not simple, it's minimal. Plus, it's what the client asked for.

Emir: I'm not so sure. Look … Look at these designs here. I think this is the style that the client wants.

Paul: Hmmm … I think I disagree. They said they wanted it clean and minimal.

Emir: These designs are clean and minimal. 

Paul: Look, don't get me wrong, Emir. I like them, but I don't think they fit the brief. For example, here, there's just a bit too much going on.

Emir: OK, I see what you mean, but without all the colour, it would look a bit … empty. 

Paul: True. OK, how about taking that and that away? So it still looks interesting, but less busy. 

Emir: OK … maybe you've got a point there. Actually, that has given me an idea.

Emir: So we remove the blue. I think that creates a nice balance.

Paul: Yeah, yeah. I think you're right. Changing the circles helped too. 

Emir: I agree. So we're happy with this now?

Paul: Yes, definitely. 

Emir: So it looks like we can agree!

Paul: Occasionally. 


Ana: Hello again! I'm pleased that Paul and Emir agreed with each other in the end. So, did you notice the useful phrases used for agreeing and disagreeing? Listen to me and then repeat. 


I'm not convinced by that idea.

I'm not so sure.

I think I disagree.

Don't get me wrong, but I don't think they fit. 

I see what you mean, but it looks a bit empty. 

OK, maybe you've got a point there.

I think you're right.

Yes, definitely.

I agree. 


Ana: Try and use some of these phrases the next time you agree and disagree in English. Bye for now!


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Submitted by aniley on Wed, 29/07/2020 - 12:45

Perfect execises. It`s the vocabulary that I need on my work

Submitted by neuro1987 on Tue, 28/07/2020 - 00:34

Hello everybody This morning I disagree with a friend, she told me about the process to usmle. She want to work without salary for clinical knowledge. But I don't like to work free. Unfortunately we are agree about this process.

Submitted by macevedosalas on Sat, 25/07/2020 - 23:14

Last week, I disagreed with my partner (Level 1) at work, because he `noticed that the backups didn't work, but I was not so sure therefore we called the backup-tool expert, and she said the backups were OK. So, I agreed, and my partner was wrong.

Submitted by Phan Bao Dung on Thu, 23/07/2020 - 18:27

Just this morning, I disagree with my husband that he feed our daughter a lot of candies. She will have tooth decay if not brush her teeth carefully. But my husband thinks it's not important.

Submitted by Asni on Sun, 19/07/2020 - 12:15

I can't remember when exactly but recently, I disagreed with my husband about TV and the baby. I told him the baby was too young to watch TV and it was completely useless for him and might even damage his eyes or negatively affect his brain development. It was extremely difficult to convince him so I asked the paediatrician in front of him. She totally agreed with me and her answer was as clear as crystal "Definitely not, TV is forbidden for less than 3 years old kids".

Submitted by Umar Aminat on Sat, 18/07/2020 - 22:55

I will have to practice the phrases

Submitted by abudo93 on Sat, 18/07/2020 - 15:22

The last disagree was with my wife that's happend when we were discussing about any doctor she have to going.

Submitted by IbrahimElsayed on Wed, 15/07/2020 - 13:49

About one hour.

Submitted by ArturoBustillos on Fri, 10/07/2020 - 18:17

five minutes ago and always...