Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
1. You don't need to write complete sentences for text messages.
2. Use abbreviations like LMK (= let me know) or use emojis to save time writing.
3. You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
4. Say how many minutes you think you'll need, e.g. I'm running 10 minutes late.
5. It’s good to say sorry and sorry again, but you don't need to say sorry in every message.
Being late doesn't meet my working ethics but sometimes I've been caught in being 5 mins late. 15 mins is late to me. If they're expecting not being there on time, they should notify me their reasons.
I am usually on time. I even arrive about 10 - 15 minutes early before the appointment time to prepare well in advance.
i am usually on time or sometimes i come early .... i would say 20 minutes is late for me
honestly i'm often late,i know that not good; i try to change this habit.
I usually arrive on time but sometimes, I am going a bit late at parties and wedding event. I consider 10 minute as late.
I usually on time but sometimes I being late for unexpected reason.
I don't like being late, so I usually arrive on time or earlier.
Being late is not a good situation. However, sometimes there could be unexpected situations like missing the bus, forgetting something etc. So, it could be tolerated if it's reasonable time for being late.
I'm often on time, but sometimes it can happen an unexpected problem! BTW ten mins is late for me.
I'm usually on time. Ten to fifhteen minutes are late for me, but only for those who don't justify themselves for being late.