Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Reading text
1. You don't need to write complete sentences for text messages.
2. Use abbreviations like LMK (= let me know) or use emojis to save time writing.
3. You don't need to use full stops (.) at the end of messages.
4. Say how many minutes you think you'll need, e.g. I'm running 10 minutes late.
5. It’s good to say sorry and sorry again, but you don't need to say sorry in every message.
A month ago, I had an appointment with my friends at a coffee shop. I spent 1 hour preparing for this date. However, it suddenly rained heavily, then I called my friends to notice that I would be 10 minutes late. They said it was ok and told me to drive carefully. Unfortunately, when I went to the cafe, I couldn't find where the car park was, so I had to park the car at a long distance. Consequently, I arrived 20 minutes late. Thank God my friends were still there and waiting for me, and we had a great meeting.
I'm usually arrive on time when I 'll to meet someone or friend's, because this is respect to everyone.
I usually arrive on time when I meet someone. I don't want to be late, as I think it is rude and unrespectable to others. Ten minutes is counted as late for me.
Yeah, I'm usually on time. I believe we need to respect each other's time. For me 5 minutes can be late, but I think it all depends on what or who I'm waiting.
I usually arrive to the places at time. I don't like to arrive late because I don't like that the other people arrive late. I always try to be on the places at the correct time. For me, 10 mins is very late and after 30 mins I go to other place.
I', running 10 min late, Sorry
well I have to be on time when I meet someone
I usually arrive on time when going on dates, I don't want to bother someone and make them wait for me. In my opinion, in any case you should not be more than 10 minutes late, because time is very important for everyone.
Are you usually on time or late? How many minutes is ‘late’ for you?
Occasionally, I will come late in cases such as traffic jams, or my vehicle broken. For me, 5 minutes is 'late'.
be on time