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I use just only bus. Because in my country, there are no trams,underground. There is train but it is not near city centre. And I prefer sports car and rollerblades. When I am over 25, I want to try this two.
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I don't use one of transports .
But I prefer sports car .
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Most of the time, I drive car and sometimes I ride office ferry to go to office. I would like to buy a sport car but i think it is wast my money because there are a lot of traffic. So, I don't want to effort on that. Now a days, there are never ride horse or mule at city, so I also don't have experience on that.
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Lately, I don't use any...But I used to use the underground and ferries sometimes. I'd like to travel to london and try the double-decker bus.
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I often drive car but it is neighter a convertible nor a sports car. I prefer driving it because my company gave it to me. I also like driving car.
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I used buffalo wagon to go home. If I have money, I will buy a sports car.
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I have never used the means/ transports which mentioned above except ferry. I use motorbike for my daily life. I am used to try using ferry to across the river in my country. I see it seems interesting > It can carry both me and my motorbike. I just want to say that it's so so lit >
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Of these I use none. But, i've used some in the past. I prefer convertibles to all of them.
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I'd like to say that I use a lot horse, but if I do so I'd lie. Transport I use the most is underground but in big cities I prefer to use trams because we can see the city outside and this transport has his own way, so it's faster than taxis or bus.
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I usually do use metro, I prefer metro on all because it is very fast and inexpensive.
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