Around town

What's the difference between a 'crossing' and a 'crossroads'? Do these exercises to help learn words for the things around your town and find out.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5


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Profile picture for user nisrina

Submitted by nisrina on Thu, 12/09/2024 - 16:06


I live in a small city, so there is no roundabouts here. because usually roundabouts will be found in the big city

Submitted by Paukzen on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 08:55


I live in the center of a big city near Milan and from my window I can see crossing, roads, pavements, street lights and in some hours also traffic.

Near me I have also traffic lights, a square and roundabouts.

It's not really a quiet place to live!

Submitted by Dinh Xuan Truong on Sun, 08/09/2024 - 09:19


Near home I can see roundabouts on roads, there are many roundabouts here,


Submitted by NiaRhy on Sun, 25/08/2024 - 13:47


Hi, I love in Bogor, West Java Indonesia. Bogor was beautiful city, but now Its very crowded and traffic everywhere. There's a roundabout in the center of city, it's called Tugu kujang, which is icon of Bogor. Well many people use the pavement for cadger. So Walker can't walk on it. It makes me annoying when I want to walk for my exercise. There's also a crossroads near my house. I don't know why when there are some police, it has long traffic. I like the signpost. We can find it easy. So don't worry to be lost heheh. 

Submitted by jpalacios on Wed, 24/07/2024 - 18:49


Great platform, love learning new vocabulary.

Submitted by jaywood's_path… on Sat, 22/06/2024 - 21:01


the closest roundabout to my house is called Texas Roundabout because it's near a cafe called 'Texas Cafe', we're used to name everything here even the unnamed things hahaha, back to our subject and as I saw some people here complaining about narrow roads or the noise near their houses I'm going to complain about a strange thing which is the street lights, yes it may sound weird but let me explain, our street lamps have a very dim light to the degree that you can't see the face of someone that is only 15 meters away; the surprise is that when we complained about it to the people in charge we've been told that this is done on purpose to minimize the consumption of energy. weird isn't it?


Submitted by Mohamed.Slil on Fri, 14/06/2024 - 15:33


Near home I can see roundabouts on roads, there are many roundabouts here, in the last years my country planed to replace traffic lights with roundabouts because our roads are quite old and narrow, the roads here are unable to accommodate the large number of vehicles so that's why they did this change.

Here where I live there are few sign posts on roads, and there are enough crossings in the roadcrossings.

Submitted by kamalham on Sat, 08/06/2024 - 10:47


Thank you so much, it's help me to improve my vocabulary. 

Profile picture for user Houy99

Submitted by Houy99 on Sun, 02/06/2024 - 03:51


I am poor vocabulary this lesson is good for me to improve word