Vocabulary exercises to help learn words related to health.

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5


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Average: 4.6 (20 votes)

Submitted by Galahed87 on Fri, 03/05/2019 - 17:46

Actually yes, I have been many times visiting doctors, I need swallow tables all the days jejeje. And I have take a couple of X-ray. But thanks God I never been in a hospital or ambulance! On another hand, I hate dentist hahaha They are like the devil and I know, I shouldn't have fear, I'm a grown man! hahaha

Submitted by Ol4ik on Wed, 01/05/2019 - 17:56

Visit a doctor or a dantist is always challenge for me. But they can help you and consiquently you have to trust them. I had a bandage twenty years ago, when I broked my right leg. At first I was made a X-ray and after putting a bandage around leg I was given a few tablets.

Submitted by Hamdy Ali on Mon, 29/04/2019 - 12:43

How are you? Which is correct : I have pain . or I have a pain.
Hello Hamdy Ali Anyone would understand you if you said 'I have pain', but normally we don't use 'have' with 'pain'. Instead, it's common to say 'I feel pain in my stomach' or 'The pain in my stomach is getting worse' or 'I am in a lot of pain'. You can see more examples in this dictionary entry: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/pain It's also very common to use the verb 'hurt', e.g. 'My stomach hurts': https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/hurt (see number 2 'feel pain'). I hope this helps. All the best Kirk The LearnEnglish Team

Submitted by Samirah on Wed, 24/04/2019 - 07:52

I didn't feel bad. Yes I use.

Submitted by MadihaKhan123 on Tue, 16/04/2019 - 08:50

To visit a doctor or dentist is not a good sign. Usually people visit in case of any kind of healtb issue. I also do not like to visit doctor. Specially demtist, because denatal problems and their treatment are painful procedure. Yes I have used number of items from the list. Like badgae when i got injured badly once while playing football.
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Submitted by David on Fri, 08/02/2019 - 08:00

Hi sir, Could you tell me about the structure of the below sentence. Vocabulary exercises to help learn words related to health. I men that 'which part of the sentence is subject or verb or infinitive and.... Thanks, .
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